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As part of Sheffield City Council - Parks & Countryside commitment to maintaining and improving your Parks, Woodlands and Green Spaces in the future, they need to find out about how you currently use the sites and what you think of their service. There have also added a few questions on Nature Emergency and the role we can all play to support nature's recovery in Sheffield.

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions. Your responses will help to understand how you feel about the Parks, Woodlands and Green Spaces. Your feedback will also help to see what can be done to improve sites in the future. 

The more people who complete the survey, the more meaningful the results will be and it would be really valuable to get a range of participants to respond.

The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. Please make the most of this opportunity to have your say.

Follow this link to the project page where you can take the survey.

The survey closes on 19th April 2024.

06/03/2024 12:00