If you think an adult, child or young person is in immediate danger, at risk of serious harm or abuse please call 999 in an emergency.
If you believe that a child or adult is at risk of serious harm, neglect or abuse then please report this at the earliest opportunity. We recognise that we all have a responsibility to prevent, recognise and act on abuse and neglect, and anyone raising a safeguarding alert or concern will always be listened to, believed, and assured that we will act on their concern. You can find out more information about our approach to safeguarding here.
How to Report a concern
The local authority is the lead agency for responding to and investigating safeguarding concerns and their contact details for the areas we operate in are listed on this page.
As a housing provider it is our responsibility to:
- Respond promptly and appropriately to concerns
- Pass information to Children’s Social Care, Adult Social Care and the Police
- Co-operate with statutory child protection procedures and criminal enquiries.
If you think an adult, child or young person is in immediate danger, at risk of serious harm or abuse please call 999.
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