
Current residents Current residents


We spend a lot of time talking to residents and we wanted to update you on some of the feedback we have had and what we have been doing about it! Please continue to tell us what you think.

You said that the grounds maintenance needed to improve and there was too much litter on our estates – we held 3 neighbourhood action days through the summer to clear up the top 3 estates that raised this as an issue – Wensley in Page Hall, Ribston in Darnall and Tipton/Jenkin in Brightside.

Staff, some contractors and board members attended the days where works and activities were undertaken to improve these areas at Wensley, Darnall and Brightside.

We spoke to residents while we were there – at Wensley they told us that they would like to see a programme of maintenance and we will be starting consultation next month on introducing a service charge to be able to do this.

At Ribston estate and Tipton Street and Jenkin Road you told us you had concerns about the standard of work undertaken by our grounds maintenance contractor. We did a lot of work on those days to clear foliage and remove flytipping and following this, additional checks have been put in place by both the contractor and Arches to monitor the quality of the grounds maintenance.

At Ribston, some residents raised some concerns about anti-social behaviour on the scheme, specifically youths congregating at night.

This is currently being investigated by officers and there is an action plan in place to deal with the anti-social behaviour.

At Tipton Street and Jenkin Road, concerns were raised about instances of anti social behaviour emanating from the block of flats opposite the scheme (not Arches property)and this is being investigated.

Concerns were raised about communication regarding the planned maintenance programme and we have ensured that all customers have been provided with adequate notice in respect of the planned works for 2024/25.  In addition, there is a  Customer Journey Mapping programme starting in November 2024 and how we deliver planned works for our customers has been prioritised as the first piece of work of the programme.