
Current residents Current residents

Image of John Cameron street

Our neighbourhood plans set out how we will support the delivery of Arches’ strategic priority 2 to ‘deliver properties and neighbourhoods where people are proud to live’. This is important to us as we:

  • Are a community-based landlord, and this means being a recognised partner in our neighbourhoods.

  • Care about providing our customers with a safe and secure home in which they can thrive, where people feel proud of their neighbourhoods, and stable and cohesive communities can flourish.

  • Know that there is a strong business case for investing in our neighbourhoods; strong, safe communities contribute to our customers’ wellbeing, reduce void and maintenance costs and free up funding to do more.

You can view your neighbourhood plan here

1. What is in a neighbourhood plan?

The plan has been created using customer feedback, employee feedback as well as a broader set of indicators on a range of issues such as broader socio-economic factors, money management, property condition, crime and anti-social behaviour, current and future costs for the homes and the neighbourhood desirability.  This information has helped us to identify the main challenges in your neighbourhood and how we can work with our local partners and community stakeholders to make improvements. We will target resources to areas in need through a range of partnership activities to improve the quality of your neighbourhood.

Each plan will contain a snapshot of your neighbourhood, which includes information about the homes we manage in your area, and some profile information about our residents.

We will set out the 4 commitments for your neighbourhood, and information on when the plans will be reviewed.

2. Neighbourhood plan objectives

The objectives of the neighbourhood plans have been set to enable us to deliver properties and neighbourhoods where people are proud to live by:

  1. Developing strong partnerships that benefit our residents
  2. Having well performing safe and secure homes in which residents and their families can thrive
  3. Having stable and cohesive neighbourhoods where people feel proud to live
  4. Being involved in projects at a neighbourhood level that contribute to our customer's wellbeing

3. Neighbourhood commitments

The aim of our commitments will be to support the achievement of our neighbourhood planning objectives. Each plan will have four commitments linked to the objectives and set out which identified issues we will focus. These commitments will be tailored and informed by intelligence formed by the indicators.  The commitments will be set at a strategic level and where themes are identified across neighbourhoods we will reflect this in the commitments as this will influence use of resources and choice of partners.

4. When will the plans be reviewed

We will review this plan regularly and report to residents annually from July 2023 for the duration of the five-year plan.

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