Voice and influence
When things go wrong
Arches Housing are adopters of the Together with Tenants (TWT) Charter. The TWT Charter is a national initiative led by the National Housing Federation (NHF) that focuses on strengthening the relationship between residents and housing associations. In 2021 Arches became an adopter of the Charter and with a group customers co-created the ‘Arches Commitments’
Together with Tenants is a sector-wide initiative led by the National Housing Federation (NHF) focused on strengthening the relationship between residents and housing association landlords. Housing associations that adopt the Together with Tenants charter (“the Charter”) are making six commitments.
Voice and influence
When things go wrong
As part of the adoption of the TWT Charter Arches Housing held an open consultation for all customers in 2021, and we received responses from 20% of our customers. The consultation results were shared with the TWT Group, made up of customers, colleagues and a board member, and the customer feedback was used by this group to co-create the tailored Arches Commitments.
Annual self-assessment
Each year Arches Housing will conduct a self-assessment of how we have delivered against the Arches Commitments. This will involve consulting with at least 10% of customers and creating an action plan to improve how we are performing. We will publish the self-assessment and the action plan on our website, and attached is a copy of the self-assessment.
Action plan
Progress on the action plan can be found here which was presented to the Board in January 2023, and we aim to have the actions completed by the end of this financial year.
If you would like any more information about the commitments or the action plan please speak to Vicky or Leah.
If you have additional questions and need some more information, use this link to visit our Resident involvement page