
Current residents Current residents

We want all of our residents to live in neighbourhoods that are safe, clean and attractive.

Our Neighbourhood Officers inspect estates whenever they visit to check for problems. They also visit regularly to carry out Estate Walkabouts, where you're invited to join your Neighbourhood Officer in walking around your neighbourhood, identifying repair issues or issues relating to security and health and safety.

Our Neighbourhood Officers manage problems such as:

  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Flytipping and excess/bulk waste
  • Antisocial behaviour
  • Shared/communal areas
  • Graffiti
  • Landscaping and garden areas

Something strange in your neighbourhood?

If you're having problems with your neighbourhood, contact your Neighbourhood Officer by calling the office on 0114 228 8100 or report it here.

Improving your estate

It’s your neighbourhood, so we want to help you make it a place you can be proud of. If there's something we could do to make it a better place to live, we want to know about it.

Simply send an email to involvement@archeshousing.org.uk with as much detail as you can, and we'll get back to you. 

You can use this link to return to the Current Residents page


Sharon Hoskin

Neighbourhood Officer

Andrew Williams

Neighbourhood Officer

Michael O'Keefe

Neighbourhood Manager

Also in this section

Estate walkabouts